
Home / Vertebroplasty


ortho clinic in Kondapur,hyderabad
ortho clinic in Kondapur,hyderabad

Fractures of vertebrae (spine bones) in old age people can lead to severe pain because of abnormal movement occurring when patient tries to move, for e.g. walking/getting up from bed /standing from sitting position or even rolling in the bed, making them dependent on the family members for their activities of daily living. These fractures are called Osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures. Vertebroplasty is a day care procedure done under local anesthesia/ general anesthesia for prevention of abnormal movement at fractured bone in the spine. Here, Bone cement is injected into back bones (vertebrae) that have cracked or broken, often because of osteoporosis (weak bones). The cement hardens, stabilizes the fracture and prevents abnormal movement, decreasing the suffering and dependency of the patient. This minor procedure relieves pain and makes patient so comfortable that, they walk immediately after the procedure without and fracture pain.

This procedure is also used in patients having vertebral bone fractures because of metastasis (a condition in which the cancer present in any other organ in body spreads to spine bones and causes fracture)

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